Clooney Relishes Being 'Out of Touch'

Sunday, March 05, 2006

At the time of this writing this year's Academy Awards presentation has been extremely disappointing, with Jon Stewart looking dreadfully uncomfortable. He made a quip about Hollywood being liberal, and in his acceptance speech for best supporting actor for "Syriana" George Clooney had this to say:

"We are the ones who talked about AIDS when it was just a gay disease...This group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the back of theaters...I'm proud to be part of this academy, proud to be part of this community, proud to be out of touch."
So at this point the best part of the Oscars is a political speech. Sigh...

EDIT: A lame, lame night for the Oscar's. "Crash" won Best Picture, which is good because it is the best film of 2005. Visual effects should have gone to "War of the Worlds" but instead went to the bloated "King Kong."