Even Ginsburg Questions Roe v. Wade

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an abortion rights supporter and one of the most liberal justices on the court, said the historic Roe v. Wade decision "seemed to me not the way courts generally work."

Ginsburg, who turns 72 on Tuesday, was participating in a question-and-answer session with law students at the University of Kansas.

"Women were lobbying around that issue," she said. "The Supreme Court stopped all that by deeming every law — even the most liberal — as unconstitutional. That seemed to me not the way courts generally work."


Ginsburg believes public opinion at the time was becoming more liberal and that abortion laws would have changed regardless of Supreme Court intervention. Her solution would have been to let the legislatures work it out, you know...the way our government was designed to function.

Let's continue with that spirit by repealing Roe v. Wade. If abortion supporters really believe the majority is on their side, they can prove it by allowing the states to write their own laws.