The White Christian Party

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The growing turmoil inside the Democratic Party isn't likely to ease off any time soon as Chairman Howard Dean continues to berate Republicans on a daily basis. So unhinged Dean has become that Senator Joe Biden angrily told reporters that he "doesn't speak for me and he doesn't speak for most Democrats." Interesting that the chairman for the National Democratic Committee doesn't speak for the majority of its members.

In addition to saying, "It's pretty much a white, Christian party," Dean also told reporters that "they all behave the same and they all look the same."

Uh-huh. Tell that to Janice Rogers Brown, a black judge who barely got the 60-vote cloture call today moderate Democrats reluctantly agreed to.

Listen to the audio here and wonder why the Democrats became self-hating masochists when they promoted this failed presidential nominee to party chairman.